Doing this highlights all secrets on your map. Place the Stone Tablet here to activate the map.
In the bottom west corner of the ruins you will find the map. Once you are at this point you can explore the Windtorn Ruins to your heart’s content. To complete the final potion of the Hand to Hand quest you need to complete the Windtorn Ruins sequence leading up the the game’s final quest The Will of the Wisps: Return Seir to the Spirit Willow. Placing the Stone Tablet in Windtorn Ruins Show the Stone Tablet to Lupo to trigger a rumor that will highlight the Windtorn Ruins in Windswept Wastes. Once you have the Stone Tablet take it to Lupo’s house in the Wellspring Glades. When you give this to the Gorlek Miner he gives you the Stone Tablet.
Ori and the will of the wisps target full#
He is thirsty so give him the Canteen full of water. Travel to the Windswept Wastes and speak to the Gorlek Miner there. In return he gives you the Canteen filled with delicious water. Motay wants the spyglass so he can… spy on you from a distance. Go to the stats keeper known as Motay in his bush and speak with him. Take the Old Spyglass and head to the Wellspring Glades. For the string the Moki will give you an old spyglass. Speak to this Moki and give them the string. Once you have the Silk String take it to the Luma Pools and look for a Moki fishing above the first warp portal. In exchange for the lantern he will give you some Silk String. The Empty Lantern is perfect for the job. The Moki is looking to catch fireflies but has nothing to put them in. Head to the southwest part of this area to find a Moki there. Take Grom’s Lantern and head to the area called Moulwood Depths. In return for the hat the Moki will give you Grom’s Lantern. This Moki wants the hat, so give it to him. Continue past the NPC merchant and talk to the Moki in the shade beside him. Once you have the Fashionable Hat head to the Wellspring Glades and go to the west. Give him the soup to get the Fashionable Hat. Ride the air up and you will see this Moki by a fire. This Moki is accessible after you’ve gotten the Light Burst ability and you use it to light the candle that opens the air flow upwards. You can give the Spicy Marshclam Soup to a Moki in the Baur’s Reach area. When you give the Herb Pouch to Veral you receive a bowl of Spicy Marshclam Soup you can give to warm up a chilly Moki. To reach Veral you need to have the Hookshot and double jump abilities. This NPC runs the soup shop on the edge of Wellspring Glades and Baur’s Reach. The Herb Pouch can be delivered to an NPC named Veral located in the northeast corner of Wellspring Glades. We need to find someone to give this pouch to. We need to find someone that needs a Herb Pouch with herbs inside it. When you give the bag to this Moki it gives you a Herb Pouch in exchange. This Moki can be found inside the door highlighted on the map above. The Wanderer’s Bag can be delivered to a Moki inside the Mill in The Wellspring area of the map. Once you deliver the map you will receive the Wanderer’s Pouch which needs to be delivered to a small adventurer. If you don’t want to view the map know we need to deliver the map to Tokk in the Wellspring Glades (accessible above where you got the map). With this information you can check the map above for where I’ve marked the NPC to deliver the map to. Second we know the NPC we need to deliver the map to has feathers and is considered a wanderer. First we know the NPC is located in The Wellspring Glades area. Once you have the map you may be wondering who to deliver it to. Use your Bash and Dash abilities to reach this room and speak to the Moki there to start the Hand to Hand side quest. When you enter the room the Moki will open the previously shut door for you. Once you’ve spoken to Kwolok, head to the room you fought the Horned Beetle. This occurs as part of the story and is neccessary to accesst the area called The Wellspring. To start this side quest you need to have met with Kwolok in Kwolok’s Hollow. Where to Start the Hand to Hand Side Quest? Note: This is a rather long trading quest line that takes roughly the entire game to complete.