A patient’s case can be studied in real time or on a deferred basis anywhere in the world by different experts. This allows for the diagnosis to be compared and confirmed by colleagues who are present or connected to the network.It can also be transferred to any computer and even sent within a network or via the Internet. The images can be saved and retrieved at the desired time.This therefore reduces scan times, since the image can be analysed by the physician once the patient has gone.The images can be processed, stored and recovered in an instant.This ultrasound examination system has many advantages over the conventional bidimensional scan: When activated the cuatridimensión (4D), i.e., the time, there is foetal movement in real time and even all their facial expressions can be seen. When applied to obstetrics, tridimension (3D) visualisation of the fetus allows a close approximation to what might correspond to a photograph showing with great clarity and realism the face and all body parts. Three-dimensional ultrasound is the latest technology applied to ultrasound.Ultrasound allows us to navigate through the three spatial planes obtaining volumes of anatomical structures. Legislation in Spain and Europe on Assisted Reproduction.Congreso Internacional “Meeting the Experts”.Instituto Bernabeu Rafael Bernabeu Welfare Foundation scholarships and courses.Instituto Bernabeu University Master’s in Reproductive Medicine.R+D+I: Instituto Bernabeu Clinical Trials.Certified and audited success rate statistics.Única Bernabeu: the pregnancy and childbirth or money back guarantee.Klinefelter’s Syndrome and Male Infertility: Instituto Bernabeu Unit for Treatment.Testing foetal DNA using the mother’s blood.Specialized unit for high risk pregnancy.Specialised healthcare in the Instituto Bernabeu endometriosis unit.Microbiome analysis in patients with embryo implantation failure.IBgen sperm: spermatogenesis genetic study.IBgen POF: Ovarian failure genetic Study.Get to know the cause of embryo implantation failure and recurrent pregnancy loss Oocyte cryopreservation: delaying pregnancy.A consultation with a urology and andrology specialist.Ultrasound-guided transvaginal puncture and aspiration in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome.When should I see a Fertility Specialist?.Time-lapse system for embryo incubation.MACS and other sperm selection techniques.Sperm retrieval techniques: Biopsy and testicular puncture (TESA and MESA).Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis or testing (PGD/PGT).Pro-fertility medical treatment for obesity.Implantation failure and repeated miscarriage.ROPA method Lesbian Motherhood, bisexual and transgender.Egg donation, IVF treatment with donated eggs.